Sunday, May 15, 2011

Moto Surf!

Ordinary World: Johnny is just like any other teenager his age. he goes to highschool, surfs, skate boards, and loves to have fun. "everyday we do the same thing, we eat breakfast, did you do your homework, then we fight."
"thats right dad, breakfast, homework, fight."

Call to Adventure: "remember that guy you said would come if we didn't eat our vegetables? he's here."
"thats not the boogey man, thats a homicidal killer."
Shortly after their mentor Zatch arrives, ninjas attack their restaurant. Johnny and his brother are able to make it out alive but their father, mac, is kidnapped.

Refusal of the Call: Zatch tells Johnny and his brother of their lives in Patusan and how Johnny will become king and a great warrior, and his brother will become a prince and a seer.
"portisan!? you mean those toilets at construction sites? I give up the throne."
They call Zatch a maniac and go home.

Meeting with the Mentor: Zatch takes Johnny to Patusan to find the knives of kwantzu. once they find it Zatch begins training Johnny to become an even greater warrior.

Crossing the Threshold: Johnny, Zatch, Adam, Iggy, Lt. Spence, and Ro-may take a ship to the island of Patusan.

Tests, Allies, Enemies: At first Johnny thinks that Lt. Spence is a bad guy who is going to take him back home, so everyone gangs up on him and knock's him out. they handcuff Lt. spence and stick him in the back of the ship. he escapes the handcuffs  "how did you get out?"
"i had a key."
"Where we searched you?!"
"i swallowed it last tuesday."
"whoa! how did you know you were gonna need it?"
"i swallow it every Tuesday"
They take Lt. Spence in as an ally.
Johnny also finds out colonel chi is the one who has kidnapped Johnny's father and is keeping him hostage. Colonel chi is now public enemy no.1.

Approach : Johnny doesn't know how to get to the other island so he asks the help of all the patusan people to make surf boards from the trees and surf their way to the next island.

Ordeal: The final battle has commenced and either colonel chi or Johnny will die. They are both standing on the edge of a pool of water and Johnny pushes colonel chi in. he is electrocuted immediately.

Reward:Since Colonel Chi is dead, Johnny regains the country and he is now king over Patusan.

The Road Back: Johnny is now crowned royalty in Patusan and are starting their new "ordinary world" in their native land.

Resurrection: While Johnny is giving a speech to his people one of the enemies starts climbing up the stairs to the people. so Johnny goes to take care of it. "news flash! your side lost!" Then the man gives up and rolls back down the stairs.

Return with Elixir: "kwan soo dudes!" These are the inspirational words that makes the whole country cheer but johnny doesn't know what it means "must mean free beer or something" and johnny's first act in running the country is "lets put my face on a stamp and call it a day."

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Anything but Ordinary

Enter heroine: Emma Bunton.  She spends her days having conversations with her 14 cats, color coordinating her jelly beans that the kids from next door bring her (but only because she pays them to), and spinning her cat's hair into yarn to knit sweaters out of. She is very accomplished for a 22 year old.  Tuesdays are usually the day when the neighbor kids bring the beans, but this Tuesday was different.  Princess, the head cat, got out.

Should she wait at the window for Princess to come home?
Should leave leave the rest of the kitties home and go out to find her pretty Princess?
How the #$*@ did Princess become the head cat?

Friday, May 6, 2011


Album of the year 
by The Good Life

The Chelsea girl meets bachelor no. 2 and they fall in love. Everything seems to be perfect, like their love will last forever. Until  one day the Chelsea girl packs up her stuff and leaves and bachelor no. 2 never understood why she left. Only that he laughs to fight back the tears.

by Bowling for Soup

A boy looks back on his life. He tells about all the things that he could of done. where they for the better? not necessarily. but the things he remembers the most was that he could have almost had the girl, if she would have only loved him too.

Bohemian Rapsody
by Queen

A man has committed murder and is on death row. He might be able to escape death if only he was rich and famous. for he would have the money to get someone to help him with his plight but alas, he is not. he is only a poor boy who will be executed as the victim's family watches.

I'm Ready
by Jack's Mannequin

A man goes through this horrible relationship and the girl is ready to leave him, but despite all this hell he has gone through, he is leaving it all behind and allowing himself to succumb to change, whether it be a new person, or any new experience.

You don't really know me
by Ben Folds ft. Regina Spektor

A boy and a girl fall in love. As times goes on they find that they were blinded by love and that the relationship was mostly in their heads. They never stopped to realize they never really knew the other person.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

This is for you.

This is for the bugs that are always stepped on
This is for the ones that think life is too long,
so they decide to take it.
This is for class clowns that joke to get noticed.
This is for the one that has so much potential but feels no one will notice.
Dream big.
This is for the future teacher.
This is for the future cheater.
This is for the future stripper, comedian, and fire fighter.
Dream big.
This is for the one too young to have a dream.
This is for the one right out of high school trying to find their dream.
This is for the one that is much too old that people say they are not allowed to  dream.
Dream big.
This is for the one that has seen the bottomless pit of hell.
This is for the one that every time they see the light they start to fall again.
Dream big.
Wake up from your nightmares and dream big.
Dream big for a better future,
even though you know there might not be one.
Dream big for the impossible.
Dream big that you might become unstoppable
that nothing will get in your way
that things will get better some day.
Whether you are at work, sleeping on the streets.
Whether you are in denial, in prison, or somewhere giving a victory speech.
Dream big.
Just because you've failed and there seems like no reason to go on,
Just dream big.
If you think you've done everything there is to be done.
Dream bigger.
Because no matter who you are or what you've done,
there is always enough time to have one more dream.

Monday, April 25, 2011

Great Gandhi!

Gandhi's words sit in the back of my mind.
I keep them there just in case someone is in need of inspiration.
My mind is just a child's piggy bank.
collecting a penny a thought on the inside
collecting a layer of dust on the outside.
 a result of being unused.

I don't remember what it feels to have new thoughts to come inside.
I don't remember what it feels like to become rich in thought.
I yearn for the sound when something new is received.
"clink. clink. clink."
That is the sound of my dreams.

I feel like I should do something with my thoughts.
I feel like I should share the wealth.
But I keep forgetting how to voice my opinion.
When I open my mouth I expect rainbows!
but the only thing that comes out is vomit.
real vomit. word vomit.
whats the difference?
They are both unwanted substances.

When will we own ourselves completely?
most definitely not now.
The world is not ready for me to own my vomit words.
 So I will stick with those painted pink pony words.
that make so many happy.

And then I'll put back my piggy bank.
put it back in the back of my mind.
because the world isn't ready for it yet,
but tonight is not the last time it will see the light.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

let me sing you a story

 Album of the Year
By: The Good Life
 Link to Lyrics

Plot: The boy meets the girl, then the girl leaves the guy.
Character: Some Chelsea girl and bachelor # 2
Conflict: the girl feels smothered by guy.
Theme: Romance, it doesn't always work out.
Setting: The ladies room stall outside of town in Iowa.

By: Bowling for Soup
Link to Lyrics

Plot: This kid talks about things that could have been in his life.
Character: Homecoming queen, the singer, the girl he almost had, the drug dealer.
Conflict: The conflict was that he never could get the girl.
Theme: You'll lose things you love most if you don't go for them.
Setting: High school, jail, prison, life.

Monday, March 28, 2011

I'm so jealous

By Jewel

I wrote those nice
poems only because
the honest ones
would frighten you

I like how its short and simple and to the point! But this poem also grabs your heart and makes you wonder what is going on with them that is so "frightening".
There are so little words, but so much meaning.
I wish I could write things like this down.
I just don't quite know how to express them.


I'm tired of you making me do these posts.

I hate the way you look at me. Those demon piercing eyes stab me in the back of my head.. in the front it too.
I hate the way you smile at me. I hate the way you laugh. I hate the way you keep nagging me and telling me how to live my life! So stop it! Shut up! Jump in a hole or go play in traffic! And then I'll do you a favor and I'll stop whining about my life.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

What Is Love?

What is love?
Love is beautiful and dark and scary.
love is...
well actually its lots of stuff!
So pretty much just watch the video and then you will truly understand.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Coolest Person I know...

Avery J. Taylor

Can anyone really compare to her?
I mean seriously her hair flows like a waterfall of dead cells out of her scalp.
Her nails are to die for. Each one is beautifully coated with a color.
She wears classy sweaters, sure they may be ugly but nonetheless they are classy!
Her handwriting is of the gods! Oh if you could see the sight of her writing your heart might just skip a beat it! is calligraphy at its best.
There are times (like every 30 seconds) when she may be insulting, but her voice is so luscious that any insult she could throw out would sound like complement. A complement from the sky! Heaven! Her voice is truly a wonderful sound for the ears.. I'm pretty sure she could heal the deaf with just one word from her soft soothing vocal chords.
She does have an obsession though. two words. CHEETAH GIRLS. They are her sun, they are her stars, they are her everything. she may even be one in disguise, hiding from the outside world so there will be no crazed fans banging down her door in the middle of the night.
This is Avery she is So amazing. So magnificent. So perfect. Yes. She is so perfect that she makes this unbearable and imperfect world  seem just a little more bearable.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Harsh Words of Reality

I walk alone. I walk alone.

I see it out my window, stupid sunshine in these trees.
The birds and the bees are flying around in circles,
all it does is make me dizzy.

Butterflies are just over sized moths painted with refined sugar
which I can't even enjoy because my doctor wont let me eat it.

I walk alone. I walk alone.

Here comes the sun...
in a flaming inferno to give you skin cancer and global warming.

We all live in a yellow submarine.
Just a world of claustrophobia and underwater make believe.

So take off your rose colored Gucci sunglasses
and experience the hell you really live in.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

You blow my mind.

I'm thinking of you. 
I'm thinking of you like crazy!
I'm thinking about you like yes thinks about no.
like no thinks about maybe.
like a mother thinks about her baby.
like a baby thinks about their mother as she tucks them under the covers.

I'm thinking of you like tortilla chips think about being covered.
in a warm soft warm smooth blanket of nacho cheese. 
Like a photographer thinks about saying, "cheese".
like a soldier staring down the barrel of a gun is crying, "please, please"
because all he wants to one day see
is his family.

I'm thinking about you like drums think about rhythm.
like bands think about music.
like rubber bands think about snapping.
like rubber balls think about bouncing.

I'm thinking about you like lions think about pouncing.
like mathletes think about counting.
like audiences think about shouting.

I'm thinking about you like children think about shouting!
like children think about crayons.
like crayons think about coloring.
like artists think about coloring.
like artists think about being nothing
but themselves.

I'm thinking about you like a boy thinks about becoming a man.
like a white girl thinks about getting a sun tan.
like a young girl thinks about one day finding the perfect young man,
to one day be with

I'm thinking about you like the sun thinks about setting. 
like casinos think about betting.
like sinners think about regretting.

I'm thinking about you every night and day.
I'm thinking about you when I wake up
when I eat lunch
and all of the days of the week ending in "ay"

I'm thinking about you all of the time 
because I'm just trying to find
the words to say
I love you.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Direct Orders

 Rock out like you've just been born and everything is a new adventure.

 Rock out like you've traveled around the world in 80 days... 
no wait. make that 79.

 Rock out like you've just found out they feel the same way about you.
out of everyone else in the school.
out of everyone else in the world.
Rock out like a rock.

 Rock out like you could believe its not butter. 

Rock out like no one stares at you when you sing and dance down the street.
Rock out like they all joined you.

Rock out like you never sweat.
and if you did your sweat would smell like strawberries.

Rock out like your Nana at the resting home.

Rock out like you've beat the high score on skeeball at the arcade.
like received enough tickets to buy the scooter on the wall.
like the scooter was blue, your favorite color.

Rock out like you understand the concept of math.

Rock out like you wrote the worlds best novel.
that would be read in schools for years and years to come.
like everyone wanted to meet you.
like you were everyone's idol.

Rock out like when you sang nature sang with you.

Rock out like nothing could destroy your happiness 
like there was no one talking behind your back
like there were no cheaters
like there were no liars
like there was no war

Rock out like you've scored the winning goal.
like they lifted you up in the air
like they cheered your name
like that moment never ended.

Rock out like they're all rocking out with you.

Sunday, January 30, 2011


I must admit, I am afraid of your relationship with the universe. You spend all of your time sitting here on the computer when you should be out living your life! But since you have decided to stalk me that's okay, go ahead and read on.
Welcome to the world of Makala.
The words that are written are an open book, there are no secrets and there are no mixed messages.
What is Makala you might ask? Makala is the universe. Makala is the sunrise in the morning. Makala is the monster under your bed. Makala is the words that I share on this blog.
Makala is whatever you make of it.
I am Makala and Makala is me.
So who am I?
 I am whatever you make of me.